Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Archery Tag

I was invited by a friend to this charity archery tag for the BC wildfire. I've never played any archery related games before so this was something new to me. When I walked in I just see a bunch of people, didn't even want to look around. Yup, my introvert was kicking in. I haven't seen or play in a big group for such a long time so it will take some time to get used to. It was an indoor sand place, very cool, never been to one.

I thought everyone there was really nice, didn't get any bad vibes from anyone (didn't really talk or interact with anyone), but a bunch of guys just stood there and didn't move to let me get through! Be a gentlemen! I know not much exist nowadays. I'm not sure if those guys were part of the archery tag group or something else. Didn't look at them.

When we waiting for our turns we could go play volleyball, no-one really played, just my 2 friends and this random guy. I hate volleyball, hated it in high school. It hurts so bad. After that my hand was hurting and I was bruised and sore. =(

When it was our turn we had to put on these "gas mask", I guess they are ok clean but I did get a few bumps on my cheek after. >< I'm just too sensitive, maybe? Then we were practicing to shoot the arrow, obviously I couldn't hear the lady when she was telling us how to put the arrow... But I got it afterwards with some help, thanks!

In the beginning I was just shooting "air" but towards the end I was getting serious and actually wanted to hit someone lol. I almost hit this guy but he caught the arrow and dropped it so he was "dead". The other ones were really close to hitting the people too. I'm proud of myself.

After the games I was so sore everywhere. I think I was trying to kill myself on the "battlefield" and not the other people. My fingers hurt, I bruised my hand from the bow string thingy (they had a name for it, forgot), my butt and legs are sore like crazy. None of my friends were sore... Maybe I don't do a lot of intense exercise?

If there is a next time I think I would play again but you should know me by now, I love trying new things more then doing the same thing over and over again.

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