Yes, I'm a bit too young to think about retirement but it's never too early, right? I was watching this variety show on places that are good for retirement. I do like few of the places so far. It's in Europe but do I really want to start a new life at a new place? Do I really want to leave my family? Don't know, I'll think about that later.
Costa Rica was in the show, the house that they showed was not bad for $250k USD. That is still a lot of money... People there likes to say "Pura Vida", why think so much, be happy. I like that thinking but it's easy to say and hard to do for me. I do want to go travel there some day. There was a part where the guy did sky diving, that is something I've always wanted to do but a bit afraid to do. I will someday... I also want to do bungee jump, also scared. Sky diving isn't as scary I think, at least someone is with you, bungee jump, you jump by yourself...
Recently I have been thinking more about myself. Thinking what my future should be like, where am I heading to. I still have tons of question marks up above but trying to plan something out. Grandma was right when she was talking to me when I was "hurt" in HK. Don't have to care about anything except for yourself. Have enough for yourself to live on. How much is enough? How many years should I work for to make enough? No clue.
Right now, I have a plan to retire in 10 years. (I do things better when I set a goal) That is if I'm by myself, spending less than a certain amount each month on unnecessary stuff. If I'm living in a lower cost of living country and if I have my own place.
Let's see how close I'll be to my retirement plan after 10 years. Probably not close at all because everything increase every year. I don't think I make enough money to retire in 10 years but it's ok, my plans never work out anyways.
Random moment, this drama was about how HK people work so hard just to own a place to live. I think I will be one of them too. =(
蕭正楠 - 四百呎
"好想休假 光陰偏有限
一千幾百 都不敢怠慢
為房地產 天天都要慳
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