Friday, August 25, 2017

I Attract Little Boys...?

Uh, this little boy is making me feel weird...>< My friend asked how little is "little". Um, I guess gr.7 or just started high school or younger? No clue. I'll ask him next time. Maybe I gave him this "caring" feeling? The first time when I saw him, I was just being nice because he is a little kid. I asked if he wants chocolates, talked a bit and he was helping manager pull chairs out.

Then another time he came and I didn't recognize him and I asked did you get a hair cut? He looked happy, said yes, and brushed his hair with his hand. He was always around my desk, it was awkward and he asked if he can take chocolates and he kind of walked off.

Third time, when I saw him I just said "hi" and walked back to my desk because I was getting this awkward feeling from him. Every time he looks like he wants to talk but don't know how to start or something? Then he came back to my desk and asked "how's things". Then he said how he woke up at 4am to catch the 6am ferry here (Victoria...why?). He said he sleeps in the car and when his dad tells him they are at my company, he is like yay. I'm just like smiling... It would be nice to hear something like that if I was interested in someone.

Then he talked about skateboarding, he even brought it with him. Then I saw my coworker pass by, he is probably thinking why is that boy talking to Cin? (I'm well known for not talking lol) Then when I have nothing to say he starts walking off and said "it's nice seeing you". I'm sure you know how I feel by now, awkward... (It would also be nice hearing that from someone else) But I still said "yea" with a smile. Then he came back again before he leaves, asked if he can take some chocolates and said he will be back maybe in a few weeks. If he was my age or older, maybe I'll be interested but I'm not interested in little boys and I'm not a pedophile...

Oh well, he won't be coming much since school will start soon for him. I'll just treat him like a little kid and show my motherly side. Maybe he will get annoyed like that person?

He came again, and I was right, he is going to grade 7 in September. I'm not sure what I did or say that made him want to talk to me but uh ok. He just keeps talking about skateboarding... He was saying how he was gonna sneak up behind me to scare me but it's impossible (I'll see...). He said I should learn skateboarding. Uh, no thanks, I have enough scars on me, don't need to add more... When there are phone calls he will say "why are there phone calls whenever I want to talk to you" ( means something, boy...). And his dad came to the front too, awkward much...

Kids nowadays talk like they are adults. I like how he has a dream/goal, he said he knows he will be very rich in the future and own a bunch of expensive cars. I hope you will too but it's not easy. You'll know when you grow up, you are too young to understand the adult world. I said "you will understand later", he said "but I want to know now". Boy, you should enjoy your youthful years, adult world isn't that fun. I guess kids around his age starts to get curious and wants to know everything? Hm..maybe I should act motherly and tell him how it's not as simple as he thinks. Guys don't like it when girls act like their mother right?

Another time the boy didn't come but the dad came to the front, awkward... He looked like he was trying to find something... 

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