Monday, August 14, 2017

Bee Bee Bee

I was watching this sit com and one of the lady in it is a novel writer. She uses 3 different nicknames to write 3 different types of novels (2 novels are popular). The publisher asked "why do you keep using this one nickname to write this book, you know it doesn't sell. You can earn more money with your other 2 novels". She replied, "I don't care if it's popular or not, as long as that one person can read it, I will keep on writing". I like her thinking. In the beginning of the year, that was kind of my intention too, just typing everything out hoping someday that person will read (or is/was reading?) how I felt but now it doesn't matter. It feels like I have started it and don't know how to end it. It will end someday, when I run out of ideas. But this is a great way to get everything out, especially when I'm unhappy.

By the way, I have decided not to post anything on holidays. I almost forgot to post something last Monday and no-one has time on holidays to read. I can save another draft for the week after. =)

You know what sucks? When you get off earlier than your friends and have to wait for dinner. I don't know how to kill my time. There is nothing to see at the mall. Haven't been at the mall for awhile, lots of stores closed down... Yup, I ended up sitting somewhere blogging away. I went to London Drugs but didn't see pharmacist. =( No fate. I was looking at something but I kept eyeing the pharmacy. If I didn't have my sunglasses on, it will look like I'm planning to steal lol.

So had a chat with the gals about Low B (that friend started it). I'm proud of that friend for rejecting to meet up with Low B after what she did to her, keep it up girl, I like that attitude! I can't believe Low B didn't invite any of her high school friends to her "new" place. What a nice friend (had to cross that out, she isn't even worth being one). And I just found out one friend thought of Low B as an acquaintance only. I thought they were ok friends because they used to eat lunch together in high school and they go to gatherings together, very surprised. She said Low B is unpredictable, you don't know what she is thinking and don't know if she minds if you say something bad or whatever to her.

I like how they think Low B is such a show off! I knew she was and it's kind of annoying. Good thing I don't go on FB anymore and I blocked her on Insta. I just can't stand her fake smile and those long quotes from bibles (God knows what you did! Stop pretending you are a good person!). Honestly, I can complain about her non stop and I like how my friends are complaining with me too! So fun when we complain about b****es. Feel so good! Time goes by faster too. See, I don't dislike people for no reason. My friend finally read the post I wrote for her about Low B (What a Friend). I like how she was laughing, glad to see people happy when they read that post. It was totally from the heart and it was true.

We had a work lunch because it was warehouse manager's 5th year. Everyone has their Hawaii clothes on. Um, I don't have Hawaiian tops, I haven't even been there. Plus, I have to go out for dinner at night. I'm always the odd one at work anyways. So funny, one coworker's eye was all puffy and for the picture, boss put a company bag on his head (like a criminal) LOL!

I didn't want to help out with cooking lunch because sometimes when I see the way they prepare food, I get grossed out. Like Daddy always say, when your eyes don't see, it's clean (in Canto), something like that.

The chef brought another chef in because he couldn't do one demo. He also brought his twins in. They are cute, I think they are in elementary? So funny, the chef got their names mixed up. Normally he forgets his students' names, now he even gets his kids mixed up. I didn't look at them for long so not sure if they are identical twins or there is a difference. I want twins too, one boy, one girl, just get it over with at once lol. But life is not always so perfect.

Oh, I was walking around downtown and this dog hopped on me when I was waiting at the crosswalk. So random. I guess I have little princess' smell? I guess that dog was a boy? I remember I went to this guy's house for a school project and his dog actually grabbed onto my leg and started humping it. I'm like............ The dog was a boy. The guy asked his dog do you like Cindy. I'm like.............. awkward. Or was he asking himself? Joking.

People are weird. This guy was crossing the parking lot and he just suddenly stopped halfway to think. Like WTF? If you wanna die, go die away from my car! The road isn't yours!

Clean eating is ugly, malevolent and damaging', says eating disorder specialist
Yup, always hear people "clean eating". Life is short, eat whatever you want, just don't go too crazy. And remember to exercise! There is no such word as "diet" in my dictionary.

Random moment, I like this song, I think because of the catchy music? I just don't like "Promise me no promises". But I guess it's better to have no promises, at least we won't get disappointed, right?
Cheat Codes - No Promises ft. Demi Lovato
"I just wanna dive in the water, with you
Baby, we can't see the bottom
It's so easy to fall for each other
I'm just hoping we catch one another

Oh na na, just be careful, na na
Love ain't simple, na na

Baby, I think about you
And I feel it, deep in my heart
Maybe we just ain't meant to be something
Maybe we are?

I just want to lie here with you, oh"

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