You know when people have a life and death moment they think about someone important?
Well, few weeks ago I was close to dying, totally my fault and I hate myself for it. I drank a bit with friends and normally I don't drink when I go out and would never drink that much. I was feeling ok, not tipsy or anything and I drove after resting for maybe 1-2 hours?
I was pissed that the car infront was driving 40km, when I got to a 2 lane road I changed lane. I thought I saw a green light so I just speed across the intersection. Then after I crossed it I looked at my rear view mirror. Why are those cars not moving? Wasn't it a green light? Then I see cars from the other side pass by. I'm like HOLY "SHEET" did I ran a red light!? I have never ran a red light before! I could have died if cars were coming! WTF were you doing Cin!? AHHHHH!
At that moment I don't think I thought of anyone? I was just pissed at myself for doing that and wanna get away as fast as I can before those cars behind catch up and see me. Like how stupid can you be Cin? I just kinda woke myself up after that moment and totally focus on the road until I got home. Is it normal that I didn't think of anyone? I mean I love my family more than anything in this world. I didn't even think of "that person" but afterwards when I was driving I did want to tell him... thought about what he would have said. Too bad we don't talk anymore. Is that still considered as thinking of someone? I told my brother about the accident when I got home, he just said it's ok...
Anyways, lesson learned for sure! I will never drink that much again, no matter how much my friends are drinking, NEVER! I shouldn't drive after drinking! I know my limit but I guess I was too happy that night? I know I shouldn't make excuse, what I did was horrible! I'm sorry to the road users at that intersection at that time, I could have caused an accident and hurt innocent people, I'm truly sorry!
People out there, please don't drink and drive.
Random moment, I watched all the "A Time of Love", it's not bad. I picked this song because I like it and this story in the drama had a car crash moment as well. This MV gave me the idea and I decided to type the above. The song has nothing to do with car crash though.
鄭欣宜 Joyce Cheng﹣ 愛莫忘
"於生死之間 別怕孤單 慢慢能習慣
愛得心碎 花光眼淚 回望卻總覺孤單 如若果 相知相愛沒結果 寧願可 今天你未重遇過
如人生 不捨的故事太多
明白你已來過 沒結果 曾感激你在旁 如若他 真心的愛未退減
由上天 將一些註定上演
離別你再難過 或會可 轉身已放下"
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