Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Blu Blu Blu Blu

Just a bunch of out of the blue thoughts.

Sometimes I wonder if mommy can read my mind. When I feel like eating a certain dish of food, she will make it that night. I didn't even tell her I wanted to eat it. Last Friday, I said to myself I want to eat peanut butter and jam sandwich instead of peanut butter and nutella for breakfast. When I saw my sandwich at work I'm like it's pb+j, I also did not tell her I wanted to eat that. <3

On Sunday, my favourite auntie from this kiosk asked "why are you always not working on Sundays? Are you dating someone?". Auntie, I want to say yes but I'm not! I could have been but NO! I did not say that to her, I just said no. I know everyone wants me to find someone...I will someday...let it be.

This horoscope is pretty scary. "You may get a case of serious wanderlust and travel to Hawaii to swim with the dolphins. You may want to learn another language, study abroad, write a book or start a blog." Hawaii is on my list this year but just not sure if it's really happening... and I did start blogging again. >< "The Aries new moon on March 27 could bring a new beginning with an old love." I don't know about the new beginning part but I did see "that person" on that day... if it happens, let it happen. "2017 is a year to open yourself up extravagantly and generously to new experiences, ideas, people and places." Yes, I'm opening up myself, trying new things all the time and sharing with others.

One of our dealer's husband came to pick something up. I asked for his driver's license and he said no with a pause. I'm like... is he trying to give me a hard time? Usually the guys won't do that to me, they would to the warehouse guy though (I hear stories). Then he said "I drive safe". I'm like haha (scared me there). He asked if I own one of those products. I'm thinking uh, I don't have that much money to spend on those. Maybe some day but I don't think so. I rather spend it on something else. He looks pretty serious but he actually jokes a lot and pretty nice. Don't judge someone by their looks.

I like guys on motorcycles, look so cool. I always take a look when I see one. Just saw a guy outside on one when I looked up. White motorcycles with a white helmet, wearing a black, white, red outfit. Looked like prince charming on a "white horse" LOL! Sorry, I watch too much fairy tale. =D

We had these installers come in to help change out some units. The guy seems very nice, polite and friendly. When he left he asked if I made that lunch for them. Nope, I don't cook, only cook for special people haha!

Some lines from the drama "Provocateur", "When faced with hard times, it may be rough. We walk the roads out ourselves, if no road ahead then create one. There will always be a way to solve it." (I guess?)

G - "From now on, you can tell me everything. You are not alone, you can share everything with me. I'll always be by your side." 
B - "Right now you are the most important person. I'll protect you forever." (It's like the stuff we kinda said to each other...)

Random moment, FRED!
鄭俊弘 Fred - 你走的那個晚上
"我記得 伴著你追趕心中的理想
幸福的小說 最後一章 偏要有哀傷
還是要生活 和養傷
在你走的那個晚上 我的心窗開始關上
臉上無痛癢 內心經已重傷

自你走的那個晚上 我再不想不想歌唱
站著無去向 拿得起怎放低 這一筆壞帳

回憶心底結霜 呼吸都凍傷
從此喜歡幻想 思憶中遇上"

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