Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Air Wick V.I.Poo Spray and Pure Air Freshener Review

Just to clarify I got these for free to try and I do not get paid for this. This time I got Air Wick V.I.Poo Pre Poo Toilet Spray (Lavender Superstar, 55mL) and Air Wick Pure Air Freshener (Ocean Breeze, 156g) to try. I looked online to see if these were full size products, and they are. I couldn't find the Pre Poo spray in store but I found the freshener and it cost around $6. Saw both products on YouTube ads.

The V.I.Poo Pre Poo Toilet Spray, as you can tell from the name, you use it before you do your business. It claims to trap odours before they escape, keep odour in the bowl, and leave the bathroom smelling great. There are 3 different scents, lavender, lemon, and rosy. I received lavender, I love purple so I like the packaging. I like how it's small, travel size like. I think this is great to bring on vacations because hotels don't provide fresheners (at least the ones I went to). It's like a must bring item if you are going on vacation with friends, unless if you want to kill your friends with the stinky smell. You can also bring this with you when you use public washrooms or at work. The smell, at first I was worried because I don't really like the smell of lavender. Good thing it doesn't smell like the actual plant, it smells more floral and sweet. 

So, for my first try, I didn't turn on the washroom ventilation for better result. I did not read the instructions and just sprayed the toilet once, I didn't smell anything stinky, and there is this light floral smell only. It says on the bottle to shake well and spray 3-5 times. I didn't shake it and thought 3-5 times seems a lot. I don't really like strong fragrance smell, makes it hard to breath. The second try, I did shake it and sprayed 2 times. It had a stronger scent but I honestly think 1 spray is enough. The other times, I just sprayed once. Overall, I think it's a great product but then sometimes I forget to spray it before using the washroom. It's like an extra thing I have to do. If people have to go really badly, I don't think they will spend their time spraying the toilet, they will just go.

The Pure Air Freshener, it claims that it contains 9x more fragrance and less water, eliminates odours and diffuses a fresh and wonderful fragrance. There are 4 different scents, tropical flowers, ocean breeze, purple lavender, and sunset cotton. I received the ocean breeze one, I thought the packaging was kind of cute. The normal freshener bottles are tall and slim, this one looked like those miniature water spray bottles. I thought the scent was pleasant, not overpowering. The smell does last awhile, which is good, keeps my room smelling nice.

I like the pre poo spray more than the freshener. The spray was something new to me but freshener was a normal thing.

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