Friday, September 1, 2017

What Does "Cindy" Mean?

I saw an icon on MSN saying something like popular names the year you were born. So, I decided to look up what "Cindy" means. Every name has a meaning but not sure if it's true.

From wiki, "Cynthia was originally an epithet of the Greek goddess of the moon...It can be abbreviated as Cindy".

People always say my Chinese name really suit me, it's exactly me. It sounds similar to Cindy, I love my Chinese name too, it sounds like a child's name to me and I am kind of like one (sometimes). =) One friend said it sound so 女 (fairy). 

Meaning of Cindy
Not sure how this is the meaning of my name, more like what a Cindy would be like...

"The girl that is just everything you want. She's cute, funny and is just the type of person you'd love to be around with. All the guys wanna date her and girls wanna be like her (Uh...I don't think so). She's the type of girl you'd really want to spend the rest of your life of. The type of girl that you want to keep close and never let go. When she's in a relationship, she's fully committed and won't even look at anyone else. She'll spend all her time with you and make you feel amazing."

I like the hashtags, cute, nice, amazing, beautiful and best. I read a few other meaning on the site, it does sound like me hehe. If I'm that "great" why am I still here alone?

"amazingly cute and innocent" - Hm...don't know. Innocent...I always feel like people think of me as the worst person ever and the evil b**** is always the innocent one... People are just so good at acting. I'm just too "true".

"A thing of perfection" - Yes, I try to be as perfect as I can but nothing is perfect.

"Very family oriented"- Yes, very. They are my everything.

"She is always thinking about others" - Yea, maybe I should stop caring about other people and care more about myself.

"a cindy is a funny, loud, pretty person. shes always texting and instagraming. sometimes she gets in trouble , but you got to love a cindy. shes that kind of best friend you can always trust and she will make u laugh." - Hm, sounds like me but I am not loud at all, people can barely hear me. I can be loud at home.

"She is sweet and a smile that will light up a room." - Am I? Am I?

"she is loyal and stays only with one guy" - Yea, I guess?

Another Link
"People with this name tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities...They tend to be courageous and sometimes aggressive. As unique, creative individuals, they tend to resent authority, and are sometimes stubborn, proud, and impatient."

Kind of, not really. I initiate events but don't like being a leader. I guess I do have a powerful personalities sometimes. I'm pretty patient so impatient is incorrect. Other stuff, not sure.

Lol, one site said "You might be psychic, but not know it." Hm...sometimes? People always ask "how did you know". It also said "have things done your own way", yea, I do and I get a bit unhappy when it's not. I guess that is one thing people may hate me about.

Ok, I think that's enough, I'm tired of it myself lol. Typed it in June.

Random moment, I really like the dancing parts in "Legal Mavericks". They always play this song during the dancing part I think? Too bad I can't dance. =)
"You never said you wanted me, it doesn't really matter
when we're together all I know is my heart goes faster
when you look into my eyes so deeply I need to drive away
But I still want your attention, hold me tighter, come a little closer baby
I don't wanna wait forever, be my fighter, never say another maybe
I just wanna throw away my rules and love you forever
I pretend that I don't care but I still need you to be there"

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