Thursday, March 23, 2017

What's Happening in This World?

What is going on in this world? Why can't there be world peace?

When I was young I don't think I hear about these terrorist attacks, until like grade 7, when 9 11 happened. Ever since, there are always bad news about some kind of terrorist attack in different parts of the world. I don't really understand why people have to do such a thing and harm innocent people. Was WWI and WWII not enough?

I'm not sure what caused these people to start these attacks but isn't there other ways to solve things? This world is becoming more complicated and scary. From what I remember, it was not like this before...

I love travelling but I'm afraid to travel to certain parts of the world now. Europe is a popular place for travelling, been there once and wanted to go back to visit other European countries (regret not going on that Europe trip back in high school). However, I don't think I would go there anytime soon because of all these attacks. Some people say might as well go now, never know what will happen in the future, may get worse. I agree with that, those stuff, you can never predict but at least I'll feel safe going to other countries. I won't feel scared every minute wondering if something is going to happen.

Oh well, like mommy always say, if it's you, it's you. I hope this will stop soon!

No song today.

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