This post is just based on my own opinion, doesn't mean every guy out there are like this. I'm typing about this because a friend is facing this situation and gave me the idea.
I'm not sure if all guys out there nowadays like to say one thing and don't do it at all. Or say one thing and do the complete opposite. I will never understand guys just like how they will never understand us girls. Don't say things that you can't do! Don't give us hopes and then completely destroy them all! Don't make us wake up one day and realize it was all just a dream. A dream that we once hope it was true and real. A dream that we wish would last forever until the end of life.
Please just be a man and tell us the truth! Truth will hurt us but at least we'll know you guys aren't that much of an a** but you are still an a**. Don't say "we can be friends" then you unfriend and block us. Don't say you will try not to hurt us but you always do and make us tear. Don't say you won't let go then you give up on us. When we tell you about our past and you said you won't be one of them. Then you end up just like them. Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? Are you guys even guys? Are we just unlucky in meeting these guys? What happened to all the good guys? All taken or they don't exist anymore?
Oh well, reality hurts sometimes and what can we do except stay strong and move on? They don't deserve us, we are those super rare type of girls that deserve better. It's their loss, I believe the right person is just around the corner. Just wait a little bit more my friend.
Out of the blue:
My horoscope said "April will be quite a colorful and surprising time, at the very least you can expect unforgettable emotions, as spectacular as they are unpredictable.", let's hope it's something happy and not another unhappy thing...
Got bored, started looking up movies and stories. I found Love Fate Destiny and read this one sad love story. It said "Outer beauty doesn't matter; it's the inner one that counts. ", before reading this I actually thought of typing something about this. I wanted to say to the guys out there, please take your time in knowing us better. Our outta beauty won't last but our inner will last forever. Another line "Love is when we fight till the very last minute just to show and tell someone how much we love them", this reminds me of what a friend said to me. She said "who gives up that easily", uh...that person!
Random moment,
張敬軒 Hins Cheung - 酷愛
我們這結局太不堪 分不出真假的愛恨
怎相信人 命中怎麼愛著你為人
立甚麼心腸 我對你極善良
張敬軒 Hins Cheung《找對的人》
"誰要花一生 尋遍遠近
是對的終於會碰到 是錯的不管再美好
一個接一個 也沒有結果
一早編好的情人 早晚 始終會等到
是你的終於會碰到 別太早替未來苦惱
只差一點好時辰 主角 始終會等到"
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