Friday, March 10, 2017

Never Expect Too Much?

Have you ever feel like something good and happy is happening out of the blue? You feel like it's too good to be true and it feels like a dream too? (It seems to rhythm lol)

Have you ever had that feeling of hoping something to happen? Then at the end nothing happens or doesn't go the way you want it to?

Yes, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I've been there and I think a lot of people have too. It's not fun at all. However, I guess that is part of the learning process? I've heard in dramas before that there are always ups and downs in life. If it goes too smoothly then it won't be interesting. I don't agree with that. I rather want everything to go smoothly, at least I'll be happy.

So does that mean every time when we encounter someone we shouldn't keep our hopes and expectations too high? Should we not fall too deep too fast? That way we won't get hurt as bad? I have no clue. I guess not just when you meet someone but also in life. The more hopes and expectations you have, the more disappointed you will be. Don't you think so?

I'm typing about this because a friend is feeling something similar. If I were you I wouldn't care what would happen next and just enjoy what's happening at the moment. You will never know until the end. Just go with the flow. Let it be, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn't happen, it's just another not meant to be. Maybe this is the one. Maybe something good does happen. Maybe this is a dream but a good dream that will last forever. Honestly, I think you are a GREAT person and I'm 100% sure that that special person is out there waiting for you. This may be that special person. If it doesn't work out, you have nothing to lose. You actually gain something, a life experience. It may not be a happy experience but at least you will learn what to do or not to do next time? You will also find out what you want and don't want. It's just the beginning, don't think so negative. Stop overthinking things, it will just make you feel worse. You deserve to be happy! Everyone does! *huggie*

I know, it's easy to say but super hard to do.

All of a sudden I feel lonely... Every close friend either have someone or are going on dates. I'm still sitting here rotting. Yes, I don't like putting myself out there...that's why. I'm just waiting for someone to fall down from the sky like magic (I'm sure it will happen again). It's all "that person's" fault! Give me all these hopes and make them vanish completely all of a sudden! Don't say things that you can't do! =(

It's weird, my horoscope said get back with an old love because it's not easy to find the right person in life. I don't trust horoscopes although it was right that I would meet someone a bit older (7-10 years) and I did. I don't think going back would happen just because... It was wrong from the start, wrong timing and just not meant to be. Yes, I agree it's not easy to find someone with mutual feelings but do I really wanna force something that is impossible now? I also don't want history to repeat itself... that "word" hurts.

I guess seeing someone I used to have feelings for is actually ok. This guy comes over to work (see once in awhile). He makes small talks sometimes but I don't feel awkward or anything. I used to be talkative with him but after finding out something it totally die down.

Awww, got a call from a dealer in Kelowna the other day. He asked if I'm going to the training. I said no and he said but I want to meet you. We only talk on the phone. I suggested maybe he should come to Richmond. =) He was the person that said he missed me during my trip. He sounds like a nice person but most of the dealers are much older and married. Maybe we will meet someday.............

Random moment:
One of my favourite song.
鄭秀文 不要驚動愛情
"傳聞浪漫太快 愛戀都走得快 (totally agree, going too fast, ends fast)
原來慢慢靠近 更珍惜這一吻

Her other songs are ok too but I like these ones.
何雁詩 Stephanie - 愛需要勇氣 
喜歡你 其實認真

何雁詩 Stephanie - 最真心一對 
"無需有萬次只需一次愛 (Agree, don't need to be in love a million times, one time is enough)  

何雁詩 Stephanie - 夢裡花
此刻求不到 耐心一點去等
情情愛愛 虛虛渺渺

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