Friday, May 18, 2018

Friends Know What's Best For You

I guess it's true, your friends will know what is best for you. Sometimes they may say things that you don't want to hear but they just want you to wake up and face the truth.

I'm typing about this because I was cleaning the kitchen and I thought how one of my bestie didn't seem to like the recent guy and I asked her a few times before. She just said she liked him when I was happy but she doesn't like him when I started feeling unhappy. She didn't like how I was only focusing on him when I should be fishing everywhere. Well, who knew that he was just another bad one? I'll try to fish everywhere next time until I find someone that is worth every single second of my life and someone who is crazy about me forever. Someone that fell head over heels for me like Mr.6'2. =)

I remember she wasn't like that when I went on dates with this guy who seemed very interested in me but at the end I realized I didn't like him and the way he looked at me creeped me out. I don't remember her saying anything bad about him until it ended. I know she just wants the best for me like how I want the best for her too.

I understand because I feel the same way towards her boyfriend. I'm still disappointed in him but whatever. If she likes him I will support her but from all the stuff she has told me. I don't know how worth it he is. I mean there are ups and downs in a relationship but sounds like there are more unhappiness than happiness that I hear from her? I hope she'll be happy in the long run. Same goes with the other bestie - that guy is for sure a let go, love, just raise your hand high and wave that hand. You knew long ago he isn't the one. Why are you wasting your time sweetie?

I know we ain't young anymore and we want to find someone to live with for the rest of our lives but shouldn't we find someone that will make us happy more than unhappy? I know it's not easy but I'm sure there will be someone perfect for everyone out there.

Life is bitter already, do we really need more of that in our life?

Oh well, that is their choice and I won't be part of it. I understand them, we all don't want to give up easily. We all want things to work out. We all hope they would change on their own without us telling them or be the person who they used to be in the beginning. But life isn't that simple, once they have changed, they will never be the same. I think we all know the answer deep down but we choose not to trust ourselves and we are so used to the person. No-one likes change. No-one wants to start over from square one.

I always ask my bestie if Mr.6'2 or recent one comes back all changed would she let me be with them. She said no because they can hurt me again. I understand but she also knows how stubborn I am. I'm different from other girls. But not like that would ever happen. I only see that in drama or with some celebrities. There are in real life but highly unlikely. Usually when a guy is done with a girl they don't go back to them (same goes with the gal) and it depends how bad things ended. If they do, the girl will have to observe for a LONG time. If that does ever happen to me I think I would give them a chance but I'm not gonna be easy, let's see how long they can stand me muhahaha! If they can't handle me then they are not meant to be. I'll raise that hand nice and high and wave.

Typed in April?

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