Tuesday, April 3, 2018

HK McDonalds Ice Cream Review

Haha, yes, McD review. I wouldn't do review on McD in Vancouver but I will do McD review for HK. Just because they have so much cooler stuff than we do, sad.

Their pink poster attracted my attention. They had a strawberry ice cream in pink cone ($15 hkd), how can a crazy person like me not try. I'm not sure about the name, I couldn't find it on the McD website. It was for a limited time only. There was another one in a normal McD cone for $10

It looked so pretty and it wasn't just on a regular McD cone so I was so excited by it. It had a tiny meringue like thing on it which also had a strawberry candy taste to it.

The ice cream had a strawberry candy taste to it, not fresh strawberry taste and I didn't expect it to have fresh strawberry taste, it's McD... I thought it was not bad though, especially for that price, it's like around $2 Canadian. The cone was crunchy. That one ice cream cone was pretty filling.

Yes, I would try again but HK has too many ice cream for me to try. I didn't get to try their crepe cakes from McCafe. I will next time.

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