Monday, April 30, 2018

Bee Blu XIV

Aww, I'm happy for my cousin, he is gonna be a daddy. I'm sad because my aunt and uncle aren't here anymore. I wish they were here to see it but I'm sure they are watching from above. =)

Lol, that coworker of bestie's. Thank you! I'm happy to know I have admirers but I'm not gonna be stupid and repeat things over and over again. Sigh, guys, they are only crazy about me in the beginning and then it all dies down. I know you guys too well now. Every guy is different so we will see but that wall of mine ain't coming down easily anymore. Break it down if you really want me. If not, leave me alone! Convo below.

I hardly like anything on IG but I started liking quotes. Most of them are sad and mainly how I'm feeling at the moment.

Sometimes we get good looking guys at work, too bad, most are taken and I don't know who are still available. Boo... Almost all have nice cars but that doesn't matter to me. I ain't materialistic. The person matters more.

LOL, boss is interviewing people for different position and then manager said let me know what you think of them. Yes, I for sure will. My gut will tell me who is good or not. My gut didn't like the previous one so she is gone. Finding the right coworkers is like finding the right partner, well pretty much with everything else. Who doesn't want everything to be the best but how lucky are you in finding "the best". I'm not lucky in love but I hope I'm lucky with work, I'm gonna stay here for pretty long.

I was strolling around with a friend one day and we overheard some stranger saying "no-one said you can't live without someone, if this person isn't here anymore, there will always be another one". Hm...was she talking to me? I know, thank you. Thank you for giving me a good laugh too. =D

Before my trip I was running out of posts, now I have like 80 something drafts lol! But some are my rants that I took out because I didn't want people to read them.

2-day-old baby girl found flushed down the toilet in India
Horrible, which mother would do such a thing... =(

When I started dating after my divorce, I made every mistake in the book
OMG! Reading some of these stories, it's like my own stories LOL! The age/look thing and height. The previous guys were almost like a scam. I told one of the guys he doesnt look like his picture and after things ended, he posted all these other pictures. People might say why did you tell him? If you didn't, he can be single forever. I'm just too honest and everyone deserves to love and be loved. The recent one was by far close to everything, let's just hope it will only get better and not worse.

Out of the blu, I picked this one because my cousin plans to name his daughter Laura. I know it's a sad song but I think my aunt and uncle would want to say that song title to her. I know they would love her to death if they were still here. Don't worry, she will be loved by lots of people. =) I'm teary. =( *sniff sniff* Me and old songs.
Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her
"Tell Laura I love her
Tell Laura not to cry
My love for her will never die"

Friday, April 27, 2018

No More Please

Nothing to do while I wait for a friend for dinner. I wanted to go to a nice and quiet place to think things through. At first it was ok but then these people started smoking weed. Kill me! So I moved away. When I was about to leave I saw all these older men sitting in their cars. I was thinking...what are they doing in their cars? Some dog smelled my leg when I was siting around, I must have some little princess smell.

I love looking up at the sky but there weren't much cotton candy clouds. It's nice when I look up and those clouds move freely in the sky.

I was thinking about why again. I was asking "" what happened? How did it get to this point? People can change that fast nowadays? Why do you always give me things that doesn't belong to me in the first place? I thought I told you I don't want anything that doesn't belong to me again. Why do you always give me hope and you take them away? Why?

Am I not being good enough in your eyes ""? How good do you want me to be? Why do you only give me bad stuff in life? Did I do something horribly wrong so you have to torture me? What are you trying to tell me? You probably want me to learn from every bad thing but is it enough? Or is it because you think I still don't know how to tell who is good and who is bad yet. You want me to repeat all these bad stuff until I can tell the difference?

Well, I'll never be able to tell the difference. I can't tell who is true and who is not. I can't tell for this one, I can't tell for future ones, can they just tell me themselves how true they are towards me? I'm not smart enough. I don't ask for much, I just want good things to happen to me from now on. That's all I'm asking for, please!

One quote that I saw "sometimes I want to disappear but really I just want to be found". Kind of how I feel right now. Can anyone find me?

Typed 4/19. More feelings next Friday. Depends on if I really want to post it, I might just keep it as a draft forever.

WTF! I knew this would happen someday because I did that before to people (including my friends). But I didn't expect it to happen today just when I put "let 天 decide for me". this what 天 wants? It was super unexpected and not my intention at all! And I just have to send that particular message... I always message the wrong person and screw things up. I don't know why. I think I should just stop messaging people. Like seriously.

My heart kinda want to say something but it also tells me to just leave it. If he wanted to talk to me, he would have long ago but he didn't. If he cares he would message me again right? I'm so lost. I honestly didn't expect a reply. I thought he would just block me. That's why I'm lost right now but I honestly don't want to get hurt again. I don't want to risk another heart break but I'm different from other girls. I will always have the gut to try even though it may not be what I want. If it's not what I want, at least I tried my best. I'm not as strong as I look but life is about taking risks. Whatever happens, happens. Once again I'll let 天 decide for me on this one. If this is what 天 wants than let's see where it leads.

Out of the blu, the song title fit this post and maybe for myself too.
連詩雅 Shiga - 到此為止
"好好分開應要淡忘 你找到你伴侶
重臨舊情境 我卻哭得出眼淚
然而自己現在沒任何權利 再抱怨一句
為你將睡眠忘記 通宵傾談 但已經頓成往事
還是記起 無道理的對罵是年紀小的不智
今天你能忘記 只得我懷念 多麼諷刺 (yea...)
輾轉反側將愛活埋 要把你印象減退
重提舊人物 我卻開心得帶恐懼
如何逃避這戀愛故事 仍然說得多細緻
重覆的震撼 餘震未停止
今天再回頭看 這一個男孩子
閒話到此 遺憾到此 結論是回憶總要到此
雖則你難忘記 這戀愛遺物終需棄置

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cherry Bakery (櫻桃麵飽西餅) Review

My parents think this is one of the best bakery in Sham Shui Po area. We usually buy egg tarts here. Their egg tarts goes quite fast. Last year I had to wait for fresh one. This year I also had to wait, waited for about 5 minutes.

I usually buy half a dozen every time ($16 hkd). My parents said it used to by $2 each, I guess they increased the price?

All those layer on the pastry tart, the whole thing was nice and soft. Eat it when it's warm but I usually like eating my egg tarts cold. I usually love the egg part more than the tart lol. Maybe I should just bake the egg part myself and eat as pudding haha.

They also sell other breads and pastries, at a normal price.

There are a few bakeries nearby that sell breads/pastries at a reasonable price, they may not be as pretty as the expensive ones but it's only to fill your tummy up anyways.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Miniature Display at Olympian City (喜·細看香港)

My friend told me about this so we decided to go. It was inside Olympian City mall. It was packed with people, typically Hong Kong.

I don't know why they let so many people in at one time. People were pushing each other and stuff. Some of those "pro" photog took FOREVER to take a picture of that one thing. like seriously? I overheard people say "those people take so long to take a picture gees", I agree.

I was getting a bit annoyed after a bit, people just don't move and they were pushing and I was just getting a bit ARG!

There are so much miniatures that I love but I don't want to post a million pictures so I picked a few that I thought were nice and I liked.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Zakka cafe Review

We were trying to look for a place to eat dinner at like 4pm. We saw this place which was not bad. It's located at the Olympian City mall.

We were there during their afternoon tea time. A lot of restaurants in Hong Kong have afternoon tea deals, pretty good prices. You can have an early dinner for a cheaper price. =)

There were quite a few people there. Service was good. I was kinda checking this guy out hehe...

I wanted to get this black burger but it said out of stock, WHAT!?

So I got the pork cutlet burger and fries ($45 hkd) with gorgeous earl grey tea. My friends got the souffle pancakes ($68) and this spaghetti (don't know price).

The size was ok big. The fries are like McD fries but better, I guess. The sauce was a truffle sauce, I didn't expect that. It didn't have a stinky socks taste like how people describe it. I don't know how to say though. It's something you got to try it yourself. The pork was a bit harder to cut into. The bread had a melt ish feeling because it was ok crispy, it had a strong egg taste.

The souffle pancake had a very egg smell and taste. I thought they made it with ricotta cheese like most places but no. I ate the matcha ice cream it was ok matcha taste. A bit icy texture but very little.


Yes, I would come back again. I want to try their black burger.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Bee Blu XIII

It feels good to know people are interested in me. Bestie told me one of her coworker is interested. He said I'm cute. Thanks, wait until you meet me, I'm not that cute lol! But if you know me more, my inner is pretty damn cute. Bestie told him someone broke my heart and he said "good, I can sweep in" lol. Thank you, you made my day. There will always be people that are interested. And just when I'm hurt. Too bad I'm on a break right now. Bestie and her boyfriend are looking around for me already, thank you. =) Conversation below hehe.

A friend said the mobile version is hard to read with the purple polka dot background so I changed it. I hope it's better now, let me know if it's still bad.

Watched drama, the guy tried to save the girl he likes, he did but he died, so sad. I want a guy that will protect me too. Someone that would risk his life for me, just like the drama. Ha, in my dreams.

Another part of the drama, the guy said "trust me, I swear I will not let you be sad or lonely again because I will take care of you for the rest of your life, you can't run away". My heart melted, only in drama eh? Sigh...

I forgot to type this before. I don't know why but every time I go back to HK I love checking polices out... Yea, don't ask lol. Must be the uniform...

Some guy called work and he wants to apply for manager's position. I don't know why guys want this position. I guess they don't know what kind of stuff they really have to do... Manager said there are more than enough guys in the company, need a balance. Uh, yea... if we hire a guy as a manager, I'm the only gal. Who do I spill my dilemmas to then?

Boss told me we aren't gonna have a downtown showroom anymore. Yay because I can continue meeting new people at work. Nay because I still have to clean the kitchen and all that and I wanted to know how it feels to work in downtown. Oh well, I should just turn cleaning into a hobby.

I also heard that they are gonna renovate the whole place. I am excited. It's already pretty but its gonna be prettier, just like me, joking.

We had a training and one of them was an ex coworker, I asked if he works across the street now. He said "yes, just started, nice glasses, I look at you everyday". LOL! Guys...

11 Uncomfortable Signs He’s Not Like The Rest Of Them
Do such a person even exist? More like in my dreams!

Four weeks after giving birth, Petria saw her husband's phone bill. Everything crumbled.
Most guys are a**holes! They only use down there to think. Karma will find you!

Out of the blu, this drama seems sad. I have my tissue ready, bring on the tears. Watching this reminds me of myself. Being sick and want to fall in love. Have a serious and memorable love story, just once is enough. I watch too much Disney and drama. Something that doesn't happen IRL... 天長地久的戀愛, Cin, you are so naive. Pole dancing in the drama, I want to go back to it again.
Hubert - 最難忘一天
證實時間 已是無多 怕去數
能挺起雙肩 捱過最凶險
來確保你安穩不變 記憶之中再見
見過歲月殘酷 就在未來未到
趁著時間 製造回憶 去細數
和你承諾一百年 在天空與你相見 "

Friday, April 20, 2018

Graham Street (嘉咸街)

My friend told me about this place so we went. Located at Sheung Wan. There were so much people taking pictures. I think they are going to put notice up soon haha.

It was cool graffiti, that traditional look of Hong Kong houses.

It's a bit hard to get a nice picture with so much poles there.

I look pregnant in my pictures so I won't be posting any with moi in it lol.

Heads up, be careful, there are a lot of cars that goes on that street. When you cross over to take pictures, look before you cross. Cars sometimes honk at you.

I feel like people in that area are gonna get annoyed by these tourist soon. I'm not gonna go there again so doesn't matter. =)

Yea, end...

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Chrisly Café (華星冰室) Review

A friend was in HK at the same time as me so we went out for lunch. We went to the one in Sheung Wan. There were a lot of tourists in that mall, I believe they are taking the ferry to somewhere?

The exterior and interior was not bad. I went during Chinese New Years so there was a cute doggy picture on the wall. Service was not bad, but they did get one order wrong. I made myself look stupid again because I didn't know we can pick drinks. It said coffee or tea so I thought it's either one. I said tea and he asked what kind of tea? I'm like oh we can choose lol!

I've heard of this place's famous truffle toast ($25 hkd) and I wanted to order but nah, my friend ordered it but it wasn't attractive to me and I don't think I will like the taste. Friend described it as saliva taste LOL!

They also ordered other sets (one was $40) and the BBQ pork was at the bottom and my friend thought they forgot to put it in. The waiter said "treasure at the bottom" haha.

Anyways, I got the breakfast set ($36). It had my favourite macaroni and ham in soup, eggs, toast and a drink.

Everything was good, nothing to complain. I don't think I have to explain on taste right? The toast was thick and they had butter on it already. The egg was nice and smooth, it didn't have that raw texture which I like. I can't stand the raw yolky stuff.

Yes, I would come again I guess. It's not bad for the price. I wanted to try their purple yam latte but I didn't. Next time, there will always be a next time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Trust Your Gut Next Time

When was I ever wrong? My gut and my dreams are always right, every freaking time. It always give me the right answer but I choose not to trust myself.

How many more times am I gonna go through this crap? After how many more times will I learn to trust my own gut and dreams?

When I thought everything was going so perfect, there comes a 180 change. I've always thought that I'm just thinking way too much but it's true after all. I knew it weeks ago but everyone was telling me I'm thinking too much. "If he isn't interested he won't send you stuff". I tried to trust but my gut was telling me something is wrong. Guess what, my gut was right about this guy. Why? Why did you disappoint me? You will regret for life.

After he told me about our mutual friends, I thought he would be good like them too but he made me "drop my glasses". Both of the mutual friends liked me, well one of them I think so since he treated me and he asked for my FB like right away. The other one...asked me out but I rejected. Honestly after I found out about the mutual friends I was asking the one that isn't here anymore, "is he a good person like you? Please tell me he is". I was hoping he was still around so he could tell me the answer. I also asked grandpa to tell me somehow in my dreams or something. I had a bad dream and from then I know it's not gonna be good. Every time I ask about it and I get bad dream, it doesn't turn out great. I guess they are telling me this is not the one. Well, thanks for telling me long ago but I didn't want to believe. 

Anyways, I don't deserve this. I guess I liked his kindness at first then I got caught into the trap... Even bestie don't know what I like about him and said I can do better. Have faith in yourself Cinnabun, you are a hidden gem, a gem that doesn't exist anymore. Everyone wants the best for you because they all know you deserve it all. Love will find you soon. If it fell down from the sky like magic before, it will happen again real soon. Be prepare. =)

It's time to move on! Those fishes are calling me back to the sea. They are all waiting for me to get back on the fish market. I know I'm tired but when I'm ready, those fishes will be more than happy to see me back. I know they missed me.

Love myself more, I deserve WAY better! Also time to learn to trust my own gut, it never lies.

Bestie sent me this. Thank you.
Out of the blu, for some reason I thought of this song on that day when things went wrong, right when I woke up. I thought of the lyrics, not the name of the song.
吳若希 Jinny Ng ﹣ 想起你

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tam Jai Sam Gor Noodle (譚仔三哥米線) Review

My friend and I wasn't sure where to eat so we decided to come here. This one was located in Tsuen Wan near MTR station. It was pretty packed in there.

I believe this is a chain restaurant. Its like Deer Garden in Vancouver. You pick the soup, noodle, and add ons. The noodle soup and everything were well flavoured. Love that type of white noodle. The fish puff was good but I was expecting another kind of fish tofu. The rectangular or square type in Vancouver. The pork belly were pretty thin.

$29 plus $5 per additions item. Portion was not bad for the price.

Lol, this lady that sat at the same table as us ate so fast, that noodle was so hot... I guess HK people are used to eating really fast since they live in a "fast pace" environment. I eat slow and enjoy my food.

Service was not bad.

No, don't think I would come again because there are tons of restaurants to try in HK.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Bee Blu XII

Started watching some new dramas, I wish I can find a guy who is super positive because I can be negative sometimes (not like I want to). Just like that couple in the drama, wife super positive and husband super negative. Like a puzzle piece that matches.

Same drama, some guy from the past came back. He was saying how people are so different now and not helpful. I think so too. I don't know what the past as in the 50's were like but sounds like everyone trust one another. There was nothing to be afraid of. Neighbours would ask neighbours to borrow stuff and won't worry about it. Now, we hardly even talk to our neighbours. We don't know what people are like nowadays. Some can be kind of weird, all that stories we hear on the news.

I kind of wish life can be as simple as the past. Life with no cellphones, no high tech and no more wondering about other people. Just a simple and happy life. But it will never be the same...

A friend sent me a quote "anything you can't control is teaching you how to let go", I guess?

I was reading horoscope, "To you, the issues may be perfectly obvious; however, keep in mind that not everyone sees the world as you do." - true that's why we need to talk about it and stop guessing and stop coming up with your own answers. (No need now, this was weeks ago)

There’s Someone Out There For You Who Makes Complete Sense
Reading this makes me want to cry. Some people are just so lucky to find someone like that. I'm never lucky. I only find people that are here to hurt me. =(

Aww, that is so sweet. <3

Meltdowns, affairs and lots of blood: People are sharing their worst IKEA horror stories.
Hm...maybe a great place to bring your other half just before you get engaged or married? You can see the other side of them? Interesting.

Airport Shut Down After Passenger Writes 'Bomb' on Bag Instead of Bombay
I think they did the right thing to shut the airport, with crazy stuff nowadays, you never know. This world isn't the same anymore.

Out of the blu, heard this song and thought can time go back and be like before? When we were happy?
菊梓喬 - 回到以前
"過了有效期 重提都似欠道理
明明是擁抱夠力氣 你為何放開手一個飛
竟不睬不理 仍難可以接近你
同行或者也算合理 何用拒我千里
段段往事仍記掛 是原罪
回到以前 相依安靜半天都回味
回到以前 花火閃亮過相遇場地
你偏收起 一直退避
每張照片 每一闕歌"

Friday, April 13, 2018

Disappointed but Thank You

Once again I want to say thank you to yet another person. Time to pour it all out. These are my thoughts+feelings and may not be true or your intention and I will never know the answer. Long post, please read all.

Thank you for talking to me, sending me locations, pictures and etc for so long (I honestly appreciate and liked it). Thank you for messaging me in the middle of the night (or morning) and I would wake up with messages. Thank you for calling me names, it made me happy. Thank you for saying good morning and good night, I liked that. All that made me feel important and happy but you stopped doing them. I should have realized long ago something was up but I didn't want to trust myself. Thank you for leading me on and giving me a false hope.

I would be really happy if you did come and talk things out but you choose not to. I was hoping things could work out. You just ended it yourself. It may seem like I ended it without a word but honestly what do you want me to say after what you have said. Those hurtful words that may not mean a thing to you but each word felt like knives stabbing into my heart.

I thought you were a good and true person but I don't know who you are anymore. I don't know what you are thinking about. You are not the person that I first talked to. You are not as talkative, as caring and as nice anymore (sometimes). You don't tell me anything anymore, even random stuff. I guess that just means you are not interested. If you were interested, why would you not remember things that we talked about (if not all, at least some to most? You did say you have a good memory...). I guess I'm not important to you. But why did you lead me on? Why didn't you tell me earlier?

I have been making excuses for so long because I hope I was wrong but maybe I was right all along. My gut is always so damn correct that sometimes I wish it wasn't. Things felt weird to me when we first met (even before the date, my gut was telling me something, remember I said something felt strange and we chat until almost 2am? Oh wait, you don't remember anything), stuff that you did made me felt like I was not important or you were not interested (walking off, looking at phone and watch, do you only do that to me? How important am I to you?). I didn't care because all I wanted was to meet you and know you and all the other stuff made up for it. I was surprised when you actually messaged me afterwards. I actually thought that was the end. Well... that was it...

Then things went downhill ever since you went on your trip, especially after those accidental messages that gave me a fishy feeling. I may be wrong, I don't know, I'll never know. I know you were busy and tired on your trip and I didn't want to be that girl and bother you (I did for maybe first 2 days?). I didn't say anything when you ignored and didn't reply to most of my messages (I really wanted to but who am I?). 

I don't tell you what I'm doing or if I'm back home yet, it's because I want you to ask me yourself like you used to. I told you I'm going out with people you didn't even ask where and how was it (I guess you didn't care, I know we are just friends but you can still ask). I hoped we could talk like before, where things were fun and flirty. In a way, it felt like you were doing everything on purpose, trying to scare me away and stop talking to you. I don't understand. If that was your intention, you got it, you got everything that you wanted. You got me leaving broken hearted. Are you happy now?

All I wanted was to tell you how I felt in person when you were back. I don't like talking about these stuff through messaging because it can give a different tone or feeling. I held it all in for 3 weeks. So long that in the end you tell me you are not comfortable to meet. You decided to just let things end. Why are you not comfortable? I'm not gonna bite your head off if it doesn't go well. I didn't expect that as an answer and I was hurt. That's not what a responsible good guy should do. Good guys don't avoid problems, they will talk things out even if they want to end things. You gave up without trying to talk things out. Why? I know if you can do this to me once, you will do it again and again.

I thought this could work because you waited for me until I got back from vacation and it lasted for pretty long. I thought you would be worth it. I thought this could be it because I felt comfortable, it's like we knew each other forever. We could talk about pretty much anything and we had some things in common (how often do you find someone like that? You are the second one and I'm sure it will happen again). I thought this could work because I thought you seem like a nice (true) person and I don't expect much anymore anyways. I thought this is it because of all those empty hopes that you talked about in the beginning.

You said it would be nice if I was there a day before your trip ended, did you really mean it or you were just trying to lead me on? You once said I'm easy going (you probably don't remember that either), I am but that doesn't mean I will let people mistreat me. I would confront and work things out if possible. I'm easy going but I ain't EASY.

I had a bunch of what if's in mind. What if we never met until you come back from your trip? What if you never went on the trip? What if I never asked if you remember anything? What if I waited until the 14th? What if we hang out more instead of messaging, at least more interaction. What if I never "liked" you back? Would it be different? But does it even matter? Everything happens for a reason. 

I don't deserve this, I deserve way better. Someone that will care about me, remember every little thing between us and someone who puts me as priority. Someone that would use more words in communication and not just emojis and pictures with no captions (I liked them but I don't even know what some of the stuff were and you didn't even say a word, not even when I asked you. I told you I'm not smart!). Someone that would not ignore me and not say a word for hours. Someone that does what he says and not a bunch of false hopes to lead me on. Someone that has the courage to talk things out and not be a coward. Someone that will not say things to hurt me. Someone that doesn't give up easily and make my heart shatter into pieces. I deserve someone who will treat me like a princess, be loved and spoiled. Someone that makes me feel like I'm the most important person in his world. 

Thank you for another life experience. I hope you could read this but don't think you would, you don't care anymore. If you do, I hope you felt bad. If you didn't, I guess you are just another heartless guy. Thank you for making me stronger and making me love myself more. Good luck to you! No hate, I'm just disappointed. I guess we were just not meant to be. Just another right timing, wrong person. But I still have to say this, your loss, not mine. You just let a gem go. I'll just be another man's treasure, not yours. Thank you for bringing me one step closer to the one.

Manager said the ball is in your court but I know you won't do anything. I feel like you already have someone else that's why things went downhill and you are not willing to meet and talk (or you just had enough of me). I may be wrong but if I'm right...I have nothing to say. Honestly, I didn't want it to end (it didn't even start) but if "" wants it this way, I'll let it be. Maybe "" thinks I deserve better too? Maybe we'll meet again someday? It's a small world after all. I just found out we have a third mutual friend and this one...I'm somewhat close to... well, my brother is close with him. Thank you for everything. 

I want to say I'm a human, I have feelings. I have days where I'm unhappy. I always smile but doesn't mean I can be happy 24/7. I wish I can. I wish you asked what's wrong in a different way and not use that word. It also didn't give a good tone. 

Out of the blu, I had another song but I think this song fit better. =(
胡鴻鈞 - 心淡
"想不起 怎麼會病到不分好歹 連受苦都甜美 
我每日捱著 不睬不理 但卻捱不死 又去癡纏你 
難道終此一生 都要這麼 不可爭一口氣 
很謙卑 只不過是我太過愛你 連自尊都忘記 
跌到極麻木 只好相信 又再爬得起 就會有轉機 
若我不懂憎你 如何離別你 亦怕不會飛  
一天一點傷心過 這一百數十晚 
大概也夠我 送我來回地獄又折返人間 
春天分手 秋天會習慣 苦沖開了便淡 
付清 賬單 平靜的 對你熱度退減 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tin Ren's Tea (天仁茗茶 ) Review

Most people go here for their tea or bubble tea. Me...I went for their ice cream lol! I wanted to try their drink but I saw the ice cream on their menu. Someone that's crazy like me would go for ice cream no matter what.

This one was located inside one of the Tsuen Wan malls, too much, don't know which is which.

I got the tie guan yin ice cream ($23 hkd). The size was not bad. The ice cream had a rough texture to it because of the tea bites I guess. It wasn't really sweet and has a good tea taste, didn't have that bitter tea taste which is good. The cone was crispy.

I believe they have another flavour but I don't know how to read...

Yes, I will come again, need to try the other ice cream.

I did try one of their drinks (913 milk tea, $20), it was ok, I'm not sure how to tell what is a good BBT vs a bad BBT.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Yick Cheong Building (益昌大廈)

I've seen this place quite a bit on IG and I learned about it on TV. My friend calls it the concrete jungle. This place is very "old Hong Kong" which I really like.I like how it's so colourful.

Too bad I came too late. They put these banners there because too much people were coming and climbing on those stuff to take better pictures. I understand why people in that neighborhood doesn't like it. I wouldn't like it too.

Oh well, I'm happy I got to take picture there. Just want it as memory.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Kam Kee Cafe (金記冰室) Review

My friends wanted to try this place so we decided to go.

They had some vintage displays and lots of soda bottles!!! It was ok busy when we got there, still lots of people when we left. Their menu is so cute, it's connected to a ping pong racquet.

We ordered the stir fried beef noodle ($52 hkd) with pineapple punch and curry pork instant noodle with egg white almond milk. I don't remember most of the prices but if you get a entrée, you can add a few more dollars for a drink. I think half price on the drinks.

The stir fried beef noodle lack flavour to me, had to add chili oil to it. The beef were easy to chew. Overall not bad except the flavour.

Pineapple punch (ice). I expect it to be pineapple juice in an icy form (pineapple slush). But it's literally pineapple with ice and ice cream on top, really? I couldn't really taste any pineapple. I had to dig it up from the bottom to taste the pineapple. The pineapple was a bit hard.

I tried a bit of my friend's curry pork. I thought it was pretty soft and easy to chew with enough flavour. My friend said it gets spicier after each one and there are bones on each pork.

Egg white almond milk. I though they would mix the egg white but the egg white was round. Maybe my friend had to stir it in the beginning?

The service was ok. I kind of wish they let people take the coke bottle home. I asked and the lady seem shocked that I want to take it home... I guess I'll buy it from another store... Why so shocked...?

I think I would come back again but definitely not getting that pineapple ice again and I do prefer to try new places. I'll see.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Bee Blu XI

We had a training at work and manager asked me if I saw any cute ones. I said "no, didn't look at them". was a room filled with guys, I'm a bit shy to look lol, some I've seen before. Manager said she saw a few cute ones and she said "I think a few were eyeing on you". I'm thinking, is it because I'm wearing super light pink pants that's close to almost skin colour...? >< So, it's like I have like no pants on... A coworker said "more cleavage Cindy", I replied "sorry, I don't do that stuff". If that's all they want, they can just google "cleavage" online, I'm not who they are looking for. I'm not that open.

Lol, boss sound so shallow, we had a training and he said this group doesn't seem impressive as sales. I think he was talking about their outer. Is outer that important for being a sales? It's not about how good you are at selling? I guess if you look good as a sales you get more customers and more sales? cruel. This world is shallow...

Lines from dramas, "if you meet someone you like, give it a try, you will never know the outcome." -True, never know until you try but only if you are given a chance to try.

"The biggest problem is having a good memory. As long as we forget about the past, everyday will be brand new." - True, I wish my memory wasn't that good. If it wasn't that good, maybe I wouldn't mind someone not remembering anything.

"Don't say something where there is no turning back" - I always say things I shouldn't say. I just like to say whatever my mind and heart wants to say or know...

If You’re Cracking Eggs On The Side Of The Bowl You’re Doing It Wrong
Hm...I've only done that once, most of the time I crack it on the side of the bowl. Interesting.

Trapped schoolchildren called their parents from burning Russian mall — to say goodbye
=( That's so sad. Exits were blocked???

My 18-year-old daughter is dating a 50-year-old
Hm...that is a big age gap but I guess when you like someone, age and whatever else doesn't matter?

Out of the blu, heard it at work and I like it. I hope some dude in the future thinks that way too. Nothing is perfect though.
Ed Sheeran - Perfect
"I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine

listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person"

Friday, April 6, 2018

How Can I Not Think?

My gut feeling is never wrong. I feel like I have told the story already so I don't really see a good ending from this so let it be (just preparing myself for the worse). When am I ever lucky anyways?

If it's meant to be, it will. If it's not meant to be, it's not.

I may be thinking WAY too much but how can I not? (and totally not something I can control) Someone who used to reply asap doesn't even reply anymore (sometimes). Just read and ignore or don't even read at all. Someone who used to ask me lots of questions, trying to get to know me don't even ask about me anymore.

Only asks about me when someone accidentally messaged something. How can I not think? How can I not think something is fishy? How can I not think something has changed and it's different.

I feel like I'm just a back up. talk to me when you want to, ignore me when you don't need me? Just letting you know, you may lose me... (If I disappear, it's your own fault)

It's not easy for me to trust, just when I told myself to learn to trust again...all these happen.

Oh well, like bestie and manager always say "there are plenty of fishes in the sea". If this doesn't work again... I do have a few fishes waiting for me, just haven't replied any. They are probably not interested when I do reply them. But there are always new ones.

Bestie said I shouldn't focus on one person but I want to just focus on this one and see where it leads us. I can't focus on a few at a time, so not Cincin. I know I'm stupid but you have to let me learn from each fall.

I know I won't die without a guy.

However, I'm honestly tired of this, I think I need a rest if this doesn't work. Love will find me when it comes.

I hope I'm wrong but if I'm right...I hope you will regret for life, your loss, not mine. Please don't disappoint me.

Typed in March.

Out of the blu, thought some lyrics are ok for this? Not great in Chinese.
林師傑 - 騙徒
難免回應變得 似真 似假
無法回應變得 似真 似假"