Friday, June 15, 2018

Once a Pearl, Always a Pearl

I'm happy to have 3 amazing men in my life. They love me like nobody else. They love me for who I am. I'm always a pearl in their eyes. And I love them more than anything. I also love the amazing women in my life more than anything too.

Who am I talking about? Obviously my family, they are my everything. I've always been that "pearl" at home.

I remember how much grandpa loved me, I miss him a lot. To me, grandpa loved my brother and I more than all his grandchildren. I think that is because we lived with our grandparents since babies. I remember when I came here, I would call grandpa and cry. I would ask for toys and he would buy them for me right away and ship it over. You know how they say "daughters are father's past lover". Then I must be grandpa's past past lover hehe. I wish I was, he must spoil me a lot.<3 Grandma would also buy me a bunch of clothing, she has good taste. That's why she choose grandpa LOL!

They always say "daddy's little girl", yes, I am. Daddy never hit me once and I remember when I was young daddy hit my brother. Daddy hardly talk to me in a loud tone of voice. He has but then I go balling afterwards so he hardly does that to me. Daddy would never want to see me unhappy. And when I get mad at daddy he usually comes and "tum" me afterwards. One time daddy tried to safe me from this car coming towards us. I wish I can find a guy like that too. Lol, it's true, "daughters are father's past lover". He must be a caring one and loved me like crazy. <3

My brother also treats me like a princess. He always buy stuff for me. When he sees something he would take a picture of it and ask if I want it. When I wasn't happy last year because of Mr.6'2. He said he doesn't want me to show him what he looks like because he might want to beat him up. He would check on me if I'm doing ok. He is the best brother ever. So what are brothers and sisters in their past life? Best friends forever?

Why I'm typing about this? Because I hope someday I'll find a guy who will treat me the same way these 3 amazing men treated me. A guy that will love me unconditionally and never ever give up on me. Take care and spoil me for the rest of my life.

I haven't found a guy that treats me like a pearl yet. Well, there were but none of them were meant to be. And some of them were not the same after awhile. I know he is hiding somewhere out there and I will find him real soon. I know.

A friend said she can feel that I'll find a really good guy that will treat me really well. I hope she is right. I hope I'll find someone super good too.

Typed in May.

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