Let me rant about my morning first! I love motorcycles, I have always wanted to learn but never did. This morning there was an electric motorcycle infront of me driving 40km! Driving slow on a motorcycle is NOT cool! (doesn't matter if it's electric!) You are driving a motorcycle not a bicycle! If you can't drive fast (at least 50km) on the road, maybe consider staying off the road? You may cause accidents. I realized a lot of people these days drive 40km. I'm not sure why but ok... No clue who gave them a license to even drive...
Next, I thought side walk sale was over last week but when I got to the mall I still see stores with tables outside. When I got to work, I see this paper that says it's extended until today! I was so ARG! Why!? I hate side walk sale so much, I don't know why, just do.
Anyways, I hardly wear heels because I think I'm ok tall and don't need them. I decided to wear heels and look pretty at work today. Nothing wrong with that right? I thought I get to sit a lot today since it's always quiet at the mall. Uh...NO! People kept coming in and staying super long. The longest..I think I stood there for an hour. I find heels so painful! My feet hurt so much to the point where I don't even feel the pain anymore. Sounds weird right? I know. I guess pain do subside after awhile. Just have to get used to it. It's like having feelings for someone but you have to forget/let go. That feeling will eventually fade. Yes, mine kinda disappeared and it's giving me lots of ideas to write. =)
Random moment, I was listening to 蘇永康 William So - 那誰 feat. 卓韻芝
"放膽去愛係好犀利,放膽去愛是學唔嚟架,唔係人人得架,而你竟然識啊" something like...love bravely is amazing, not everyone can learn to love bravely, you actually know how.
When I told Vivi the story, I remembered she said "I'm a brave girl. Not everyone has the courage to explore the unknown". Hey, I never know until I try. I'm proud of myself. =)
I also like "When you type "How to forget" on search engines, the first thing that pops up is "how to forget someone"." "When you enter how to f.o.r.g the line "how to forgive yourself" pops up." Try it yourself. =)
Talking about brave. I like this song and the movies. =)
Can't believe she was pregnant when she had the concert. Thumb up!
楊千嬅 - 勇 Miriam Yeung - Brave
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