Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Networking Experience IV

Yes, someone new this time. WAY BETTER than last time. He did everything that cheap a**hole didn't do.

I don't know why I don't really want to talk about this one. I guess I like to talk about bad stuff more than good stuff. Weird right? Who doesn't want to show off on social medias and stuff. Well, not me. But I'll say some.

He was very nice and very gentlemen. He was on time I think, I didn't even look at the time. I could tell he was trying his best. I'm not very talkative and run out of topics easily and I thought it would turn him off but not yet. He said I was actually quite talkative. I don't know, I guess it really depends on the person. If you ask me something I'll say stuff. If you don't ask me then I won't say much because I can't think on the spot. He did put me on the spot 2 times, he asked "what else do you want to ask/talk about?"... He even said "I guess I just put you on the spot". At least he realized. =)

He was ok confident but I kind of felt like he was nervous? He kept drinking his tea lol, maybe he was thirsty? And it felt like he just didn't want it to end or something. I'm not sure if I looked like I wasn't interested because I was very tired after dinner and I kind of wanted to leave (I didn't say anything). But he kind of wanted to stay, so sure. It's better if he wants to see me longer than just eat and leave. My friends said that was a pretty long dinner, 2ish hours. I don't even think I eat that long with my friends lol!

Yes, he did treat. He also walked me to the parking lot entrance which I thought about if he would do such a thing and he did. I didn't want him to walk me to the car but it would be nice if he does later on. Friends said he seems genuine and a gentlemen. So far, he is passing. He also offers his food and he would order the food for me. He also didn't seem to mind me taking pictures of food, at least he didn't show it.

He asked if I wanted to see him again, I said "sure" because I can't tell anything from that one dinner. It takes time and right now I honestly don't know. He is very nice but he hasn't melt my cold heart just yet. If he can melt that poor thing, I think I'm all in.

Really, what does a girl want? Just someone who treats her well, hopefully like a princess. Someone that really likes her, can take care of her, makes her happy and never gives up. Yes, there may be things that bothers me a bit, but if he can melt my heart, it doesn't matter. I told my brother and he said no-one is perfect and I know. That's because I'm so not perfect and makes me wanna tear when I think about it. Just want someone to accept who I really am inside and not outside.

Typed in January.

Out of the blue, I don't fully understand every word but I like a few lyrics. Ok, the MV doesn't look that happy at the end...
鍾欣潼 羅力威《星星的眼淚》
想要的世界 有你圍繞
如果哪一天 消失不見
閉上眼能感覺 奇蹟會出現
牽你的手 一起走 到最後
把你的手 貼緊我 的胸口
愛的時間 會不會 到永遠
這刻永遠 停留在 一瞬間
我答應不會 消失不見
只能夠安靜 欣賞

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