Monday, March 12, 2018

Bee Blu VII

Flight back to HK. It's interesting how this guy was talking to me on the plane while I was waiting for the washroom. It was a bit awkward but he seems nice. He actually sits one row in front of me. I see him turn back and look sometimes. Not sure at me or someone else though. But he is like Indian so yup... I have a few Indians that like me on those network stuff too...

Watched "About Time", thought it was nice how he can go back in time to fall in love with the girl of his life. Will I find such a person too? Not the going back in time but someone that thinks I'm the one, the girl of his life? I wish, never lucky. But if I was given a chance(s) to go back in time, I would. I want to go back 2 times. Back to when grandpa was still here and back to last year before my trip. I actually teared a bit while I typed this on the plane...when do I not tear on the plane...

Watched "Goodbye Christopher Robin", it was a little bit boring for me but it's about how my favourite "Winnie the Pooh" started.

Watched "Mean Girls", it's ok. I wasn't a mean girl in high school but I for sure met a few evil bitches back then, well maybe only one.

Watched "Lalaland", it's a nice musical but I thought it was a bit boring. It's nice how those 2 met but too bad they can't be together in the end. That's the reality in life. It's never a happy ending.

My flight went by ok fast. Gonna eat like a pig for the next few weeks. Woot! What's better than doing things that makes me happy.

Out of the blue, I heard this song on the plane and I'm like that sounds like me last year. I actually haven't delete our conversation. I never really delete conversations with people. What difference does it make? Not like I go and read it. Sometimes finding out an answer to everything may not be a good idea. Sometimes its better not knowing, you agree? I couldn't find an actually MV that has the talking except this.
連詩雅 Shiga Lin - 說一句
"不痛 不敢覺得痛 (How can you not feel the pain? I always get new pain...)
哪一個比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
說一句放下了 心裡邊 更牽掛
到底有邊個 會想重複咁去愛一個人呢
咁點解 仲要辛苦大家
咁我曾經 真係輸得好慘
總之有人來陪我 別問那一線之差
會找到比你好 比你差 緊要嗎
我給你撇下了 爭氣點 學愛得高雅
但是說到將來 我怕
好攰 我究竟要喊多幾多次
其實 仲值唔值得去喊?
(I do hope this is one last time of crying, but when am I ever lucky?)

其實 只要唔係太執著
根本 就唔需要搵答案"

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