This is BS. I decided to go to Costco to get medicine because I get 90% back from insurance. When I got there. I can hardly find a damn parking! Then there was a damn long line up to pick up medicine! Then when it's my turn she said sit and wait for 10 to 15 minutes! I'm like WTF!?! The person yesterday said it's ready at 1pm even though the paper said 10am. I'm just so pissed off how much time I have to waste here. I wonder if I should just go back to other pharmacies where I only get 80%.
Wow, WTF100x! After paying for something damn expensive she tells me I have to wait in another damn long line and they will explain to me how to use that s***. It's just a gel and there are instructions on there right? I know English! Is it always like this, even other pharmacies? I hate this so much! ARG!
I have been emailing this lady since last year. She wants to get into the class but every time when I confirm with her few days before class she cancels on us! Then she would ask for the next available time. Usually it's her assistant that replies to the e-mails. Like WTH. If you can't make it everytime, stop asking me to hold a spot for you. Other people could have come! I just feel like ignoring her damn e-mails and pretend I didn't get it.
I think I'm gonna tell my manager about it and see what she thinks I should do. If you are that busy then maybe don't come. Does that mean if you have an appointment with someone else and you are busy, you just keep cancelling on them for years? Are you feeling ok? I DON'T THINK SO!
I just find it so annoying how there are so much people that keeps e-mailing back and forth to arrange something and then they cancel or say is there another date. When you book them in they change their mind again and again. Like seriously make up your mind! E-mail me when you are 100% sure. I'm very busy at work!
Manager said just ignore them from now on, don't reply to the e-mails. YAY!
Sometimes I don't understand why people come to these classes when they have a super long list of allergies. Might as well not come. We don't want you to die at our workplace. Someone almost died because she was allergic to nuts and the chef didn't know the pre-made sauce from the store had nuts in it. And she didn't have epi pen with her. Like why would you not bring it with you when you know your allergy can take your life??? I seriously don't understand these people. Manager always say these people always think we are a restaurant or something.
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