Thursday, October 11, 2018

Love at First Sight

How can I not talk about my little precious. The very first time I felt "love at first sight" was when I met Honey. I remember looking at her pictures for the first time and she was still a tiny baby, so cute and fragile. Then a video of her exploring around the breeder's house, such an adventurous kid.

When I actually met her in person I know she is the one, it's her, and I'm taking her home. The breeder actually told us that Honey was so close to not making it to this world. She was the last one and she was stuck in her mommy's womb. Thankfully she made it out. Interesting how she was the biggest one out of all her 3 siblings. I wanted to name her Miracle but my parents thought it was hard to pronounce lol.

I've heard people say when you get a dog you should choose the one that comes to you and not the other way around. I guess that is true but I didn't know about that back then. Honey did not come to us first. I think she was shy and always tried to walk away from us (maybe she just didn't like us?). I guess her cute and innocent face caught our attention? Anyways, we took her home.

She is quite a fast learner. Potty trained pretty fast, sometimes accidents here and there but that's fine. She also learn her tricks really quick. I just have to teach her maybe 3 times of the same thing and she can do it on her own. That's my girl!

She does have some "character" and sometimes stubborn. Not sure if we spoiled her too much when she was young and we are not strict enough. Sometimes she doesn't listen. We tell her to sit, she starts stretching infront of us or keep backing up. I'm pretty sure she knows all the commands but she just doesn't want to do it. She is like me, don't like being told what to do hehe.

I think she is also scared of people and pretty much everything. She always barks at people, dogs and things. I'm not sure why? When she was a baby she did have interaction with a lot of people and she was fine. However, when she learned that she can bark, she barks at everything... We always stop her but she never listens. I guess she doesn't think of us as her owner or pack leader...? People suggested to use those shocking collars but I'm against that. I think it hurts, I don't want to see her go through any pain. I rather let her be a little brat forever. I won't give up! I will stop her somehow and hopefully one day I can actually invite people over to my place. People don't come over because of her barking and I don't really want people coming over anyways lol. We do invite people over and she has to wear a vibrate collar instead of shocking ones.

Sometimes I don't think I'm a good owner or I think I can do better. She used to throw up a lot when she was young. Is she throwing up because I didn't take good care of her? I didn't watch what she was putting into her mouth? Or is she just a little bit weak because she almost did not make it to this world? I felt so bad when she hurt her tiny toe tendon when I was in HK. I felt like I didn't take care of her and can't be there for her. I wanted to give her a big fat kiss and hug her like a little baby. She just had to get hurt when I was hurt by someone. =(

Honey may be a pet or dog in other people's eyes but I never thought of her as one. I think of her as my family member, my little sister and my best friend forever. Honey may not be that perfect dog that we want her to be but every dog is different, just like human. I do envy other people's dogs, always hear good stories about them. That is one reason why I don't talk about Honey that much. All people do is ask, why don't you get her trained? I did! I don't want to explain that every time. Just blame it on me for not being a good owner. I love Honey no matter how she is. She will always be the love of my life.

Without Honey, our lives wouldn't be as happy. Yes, sometimes she makes us frustrated but when we are unhappy she makes us laugh by doing silly things. No matter how unhappy I am from work or something else, when I come home, she puts a smile on my face. She will sit on her little mat and wait for me to give her kisses on both cheeks (I taught her to do that). =)

I love you Honey, you will always be my little baby. I will try my best to train you better and I will take care of you forever and ever! <3

I think I started typing this in March 2017? I wanted to post this on her birthday in 2017 but I didn't finish. I will keep typing about her. 

Out of the blu, yes, I will accompany my Honey bunny forever.
譚嘉儀 Kayee - 陪著你走

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