Tuesday, February 22, 2011

No Money No Talk

I am suppose to finish my taxation homework and go sleep but I feel like typing. I was just talking to my brother and he was telling me how his friends said why don't we sell the house and get the money so we can live better. How the business isn't doing well. Totally don't feel like doing homework after that. The only thing I can think of now is what can I do to make our living better.

I wanted to take a break and go back to Hong Kong this summer but I guess that won't happen. I know if I go back I'll spend a lot of money. I guess I can go back when I have more money? I wanted to buy this expensive necklace but I guess I won't since a necklace isn't that important and it's a necklace that cost $220 not including tax yet (not worth it Cin). I should stop spending on useless stuff. I keep telling myself but it doesn't always work. I should rethink 100 times before I buy something now. If I don't go back to Hong Kong this summer I think I should find a better job that pays a much higher wage then both of my jobs now...Work full time if I can this summer. Earn as much money as I can.

Why does almost everything have to do with money? Why can't we have a little bit more money? A little would help a lot. I know money isn't everything but I also know that without money you can't do anything. Why is life so unfair? (I am a very negative person but tries to think positively) But I am happy that we don't have to live in the streets and I'm happy with most of the things I have now. I am super happy to have my family, that's all I care. Can something good happen to our family? All I can think of are bad stuff that has happened to us, especially 2010. Did we do something wrong? Life is so hard especially when one gets older. I wish I was still a child, at least I wouldn't have to worry about this and that. Well, I just hope 2011 will be a good year and we'll find lots of money and live better!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! It's just anther ordinary day for me.

You know I don't get how people can be late to work for 10 minutes (if you know you are going to be late shouldn't you get out a bit earlier?). If you are the boss, I guess that's ok but you are just a worker. It's not her first time too. She did that to me before and she was almost 15 minutes late. If you are going to be late why don't you be late for the full 15 minutes so I can get that for my pay? Why do you always have to do that to me? Did I do something wrong to you? If the boss worked before her shift would she be late too?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How people can change so fast ...

Happy Chinese New Year to all!

Had a midterm on Chinese New Year. Not good at all. I studied till 3:30 ish am and woke up at 9am to study more. It was horrible. I was so sleepy! I don't know how people can stay up all night to study and go do the exam. That's crazy, I would be so tired that I can't think of anything><. Well, I think I did ok on the midterm. I knew most of the stuff but that employment income question was so long and hard. I don't get it and it took up most of my time. I didn't have time to finish the last two questions. I randomly wrote something and like whatever haha! After midterm, I realize I left my umbrella in class so had to run in to get it. The prof seems nice, but the person who sat at my spot isn't THAT nice. He kicked my umbrella somewhere else!

Then went to talk to manager since she told me to take her shift on Friday but I really can't since I work at other side. Like I would love to help because I love to help people but I really can't! I'm not a super woman, I wish I was! When I told her I can't, she totally changed. She is so nice all the time and she went from being nice to mean.>< She gave me a black face and she threw the hooks and ignored me. I was like standing there...uh...Well, you know I work on the other side. It's not like you ask me to work, I can work. I want to help but I really can't. I guess because I took Wednesday off so she expects me to work on the Friday, kind of like an exchange thing...? It would be super awkward to ask someone to sub me and they see me working on the other side. I felt bad that I can't help but I feel even worse when she black faced me.>< I don't know what to do. I'm always like this...When I feel bad about something I want to do something to make it better. I guess you can say I'm really "soft hearted" kind of person? Maybe she was acting so mean so I'll have to say yes I can take her shift after? AHHHHHH! HELP? What should I do?

People sure do change fast...She was very nice to me on Friday which kind of scares me. I guess she knew she was acting kind of mean on Thursday? I just hope that won't happen again because I didn't like it, it was scary and I didn't know what to do.